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Operating System Technical Comparison


    This web site compares and contrasts operating systems. It originally started out on a small server in the engineering department of Ohio State University to answer a single question: “On technical considerations only, how does  Rhapsody (also known as Mac OS X Server) stack up as a server operating system (especially in comparison to  Windows NT)?” The web site now compares and contrasts server operating systems and will in the near future expand to compare other kinds of operating systems.

    For non-technical persons: A general overview of operating systems for non-technical people is located at: kinds of operating systems. Brief summaries of operating systems are located at: summaries of operating systems. There is an entire section of pages on individual operating systems, all formatted in the same order for easy comparison. The holistic area looks at operating systems from a holistic point of view and particular subjects in that presentation may be useful for comparison. Some of the charts and tables may also be useful for specific comparisons.

    For technical persons: The system components area goes into detail about the inner workings of an operating system and the individual operating systems pages provide some technical information.

    This site is organized as an unbalanced tree structure, with cyclic graph hyperlinks and a sequential traversal path through the tree.

Site Outline

Charts and Tables

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OSdata.com is a visitor supported educational web site

Note: Please mail donations to: Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, Calif, 92781, USA. The person who was taking the credit card donations kept all of the money that was donated via credit cards.

zip files

    Because of a lack of funding that threatens the continued existence of this web site, I will be posting a ZIP file of the entire site on March 31st (as the site is on that day) for download.

    The following are links to a five part set of ZIP files of the entire web site as of 28 May 2001. After downloading the zip files and extracting the compressed data, put all three parts into the same directory or folder (do not keep them in five separate directories, but take the contents and place them all in the same directory, on the other hand, don’t take everything out of the lower level directories, instead maintain the directory structure). The web site is divided into five parts to get around AOL’s 45 minute limit for uploading a single file, sorry about the inconvenience. part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5.

Site Goals

    This site is intended as a neutral technical evaluation, comparing and contrasting Rhapsody with other server operating systems. All humans have biases. I am a fan of Rhapsody, VMS, Macintosh, AmigaOS, NeXT, and BeOS.

    I will attempt to be as complete, accurate, and precise as possible. I welcome correction, feedback, and additional information from informed sources.

    One of the really cool things about the Internet is that once you achieve a certain critical mass of data, experts in the subject matter will just show up from all over the world and make constructive criticisms and provide all kinds of useful additional information.

    All web sites are either in a state of construction or dead, so comments about being “under construction” are generally extraneous. This site is not yet complete enough answer the question as stated. The goal is to have this site sufficiently complete to answer that question by the time Apple releases Rhapsody in fall of 1998.

    Most of the work so far has been in catalogueing information about each operating system (see individual OS pages for details). I have started charts on costs, hardware supported, file systems, release dates, and music.

    Lots of thanks go out to the many persons who have taken the time to answer questions and provide URL references. A complete list of persons and web sites and books quoted is found in the site footnotes. To contribute additional information or to make constructive criticism of any kind, send a message to Milo.

    I will attempt to stick to the facts as much as possible. I will provide only as much editorial commentary as is necessary to make the technical facts clear. All opinions are mine unless otherwise attributed.

    It is unlikely that any single individual has all the knowledge necessary to complete an accurate technical survey of all operating systems that can be used as server OSs. So, I need and welcome and appreciate all of volunteer help.

    I (Milo) have edited the material into a web site and Michael M is the new artist.

Using This Site

    A few quick caveats about a technical evaluation:

    This site is organized in an unbalanced tree structure, with cyclic graph hyperlinks and a sequential traversal path through the tree.

1.1 MB QuickTime movie of Bill Gates explaining his criteria for selecting the best operating system.
(transcribed below for those who don’t want to take the download time to see the video clip)

    “To create a new standard, it takes something that’s not just a little bit different, it takes something that’s really new and really captures people’s imagination and the Macintosh, of all the machines I’ve ever seen, is the only one that meets that standard.” — Bill Gates

    “The computer revolution is the most advertised revolution in world history. Yet one of the funny things about it is that we probably still underestimate its impact.” — Herman Kahnm7

    Note: I apologize for not uploading a complete set of ZIP files of this site. If this web page (or other pages on the site) is only partially rendered or completely missing, it is because AOL disconnected during upload. I do spend several hours a day trying to get connected to AOL. Unfortunately, AOL is getting even worse and I can’t stay connected long enough to complete an upload of even the smallest of the ZIP files in the set. AOL’s alert message says to check the cables and MODEM — well, I have completely replaced the cables and MODEM with new ones (upgrading to a 56K MODEM even). And it still takes between 15 minutes and three hours to successfully get connected to AOL (usually at substantially less than 28.8K connection), and once logged on AOL disconnects in a few minutes.


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    A web site on dozens of operating systems simply can’t be maintained by one person. This is a cooperative effort. If you spot an error in fact, grammar, syntax, or spelling, or a broken link, or have additional information, commentary, or constructive criticism, please e-mail Milo. If you have any extra copies of docs, manuals, or other materials that can assist in accuracy and completeness, please send them to Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, CA, USA, 92781.

    Click here for our privacy policy.

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Made with Macintosh

    This web site handcrafted on Macintosh computers using Tom Bender’s Tex-Edit Plus and served using FreeBSD .

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    †UNIX used as a generic term unless specifically used as a trademark (such as in the phrase “UNIX certified”). UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd.

    Names and logos of various OSs are trademarks of their respective owners.

    Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Milo

    Last Updated: April 12, 2002

    Created: May 31, 1998

    If you spot an error in fact, grammar, syntax, or spelling, or a broken link, or have additional information, commentary, or constructive criticism, please e-mail Milo.

OSdata.comMichael M, artistHypervue.com

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