CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) is a Central European program for teacher and student mobility, founded in 1994. The member countries include Austria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, and the Czech Republic. The primary goal of this program is to enhance education at higher education institutions in member countries. CEEPUS facilitates exchanges through credit mobility (for gaining ECTS credits), research stays, teaching activities, and summer schools. The third cycle of the program (CEEPUS III) was renewed in 2018.
FTS participates in two CEEPUS networks:
1. Network Name: Intelligent Automation for Competitive Advantage (IntACA)
Network Number:
Fields: Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Construction, Social and Humanities Sciences, Natural Sciences, Business, and Law
Network Coordinator: Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Prof. Dr. Bojan Lalić blalic@uns.ac.rs
Network Description: The network comprises 18 partner institutions from 10 countries. Serbia participates through the faculties of the University of Kragujevac and the University of Novi Sad. The College of Technical Professional Studies in Čačak joined the network in 2016. After the integration of the College and the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak in 2020, the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak continues its participation in this network instead of the College. The local contact person for cooperation within the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak is Dr. Ivana Krsmanović, ivana.krsmanovic@ftn.kg.ac.rs.
2. Network Name: Knowledge transfer and awareness on raising energy efficiency (KTAREE)
Network Number:
Fields: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Maritime Sciences, Education
Network Coordinator: University of Montenegro, Maritime Faculty Kotor, Prof. Dr. Tatjana Dlabach, tanjav@ucg.ac.me
Network Description: The network comprises five partner institutions from three countries. Serbia participates through the faculties of the University of Kragujevac and the University of Belgrade. The primary goal of creating the network is the recognition that energy efficiency is one of the developmental priorities of participating countries. Joining this network will be beneficial for students at all study levels, particularly for master's and doctoral students whose research focuses on energy efficiency and reducing harmful gas emissions.
The local contact person for cooperation within the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak is Prof. Dr. Alenka Milovanović, alenka.milovanovic@ftn.kg.ac.rs.