
The Library of Technical Sciences fulfils its responsibilities to support teaching, scientific work, and research activities. It offers a wide range of services to both permanent members, such as professors and students of the Faculty, as well as temporary users. The library collection consists of over 20,000 resources, including scientific monographs, reference publications, manuals, national and international periodicals, theses, specialist papers, and student seminar papers.

Since 2003, the library has been actively participating in the Virtual Library of Serbia Project and is integrated into the shared cataloguing system COBISS.SR. This enables access to the library's resources through the electronic catalogue (COBISS OPAC catalogues and database).

The library provides various facilities, including 56 seats for studying, 6 computers, and 24 network connectors, along with instructions to assist users in their searches. It operates on all working days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., providing ample time for students and faculty members to utilize its resources and services.
 08.00-20.00 Monday - Friday