Student Services
(+381) 32 302-759
Master and Doctoral Studies:
(+381) 32 302-751
Head of Bachelor Studies Services, Room 27
Student services carry out the following tasks:
- student enrollment
- student records
- schedule of classes
- exam organization
- issuance of all types of public documents of students
- student standard
Office for Legal Services
(+381) 32 302-741
Tanja Bošković, Faculty Secretary
Office for legal services provides the following services:
- issuance of all types of working contracts (employment, termination of employment, holidays and leaves), work contracts, etc.,
- issuance of all types of contracts
- arrangement of Academic councils and realizing the decisions of Academic councils
- data archiving,
- typing jobs,
- courier jobs
Sector for Material and Financial Affairs
(+381) 32 302-745
Sector for material and financial affairs provides the following services:
- calculation and payment of personal income of employees,
- payment of all Faculty obligations and collection of debt,
- registration of the Faculty properties,
- preparation of the periodic reports required by the Faculty, University, Ministry
Computer Center
Computer center:
(+381) 32 302-709
Darko Petrović, Software developer,
Computer center at Faculty of Technical Sciences provides operational software maintenance, administration of the installed network and Internet service, basic services to users, and maintenance and administration of computer networks and computers in the building.
Public Relations Sector
Staša Milikić, Public Relations Officer,
Information Technology Department performs updating and development of Web presentation of the Faculty, development of Internet/ Internet services to meet the needs of employees and students, management of electronic documents, publishing public documents, editing publications and press releases, as well as communication with the media.
Ksenija Lajšić,Head of Library
The Library of Technical Sciences carries out the tasks designed for the needs of teaching, scientific work and research. The library provides a range of services to its permanent members, i.e. professors and students of the Faculty, as well as to temporary users.
The library fund comprises more than 20.000 library units including scientific monographs, basic and reference publications, manuals, national and foreign periodicals, theses, specialist papers and student seminar papers.
Since 2003 the library has been a part of the Project Virtual library of Serbia and included in the shared cataloging system COBISS.SR. within the project. The data regarding the library fund are available via electronic catalogue (COBISS OPAC catalogues and database).
The Library provides 56 seats, 6 computers and 24 network connectors with instructions for all searches.
The Library is open every working day from 8 a.m. to 20 p.m.